Bus 106 will be back to normal operation beginning tomorrow morning! All am and pm routes are covered unless there is an emergency. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Here are a few pictures from our Pie in the Face Day! Our students loved seeing Officer Burt, Mrs. Guynn, and Mrs. Ledford get "pied!'
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Bus 106 will resume the morning route tomorrow morning. All days are now covered with the exception of Thursday afternoons. We will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Tomorrow is Picture Day for both class pictures and individual Spring pictures! Bring your best smile!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Macon County Schools has held series of facilitated focus groups to get student, educator, and community input as part of our process to develop and refine the district’s strategic plan. These focus groups were held this week at Nantahala School, Highlands School, and Franklin High School. All members of our local community, including parents, business owners, and other stakeholders of Macon County Schools were invited to be a part of these important conversations. We are now releasing a survey so that we can gather valuable input from each of you. Please click the link below and provide your feedback. https://forms.gle/AXkeFtKkW8Z7z4YW8 Thank you for your voice as we move forward in our strategic planning process.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Just a reminder that Bus 106 does not run at all on Thursdays until further notice. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Youth Art Month Artists! Lucas Norris- 4th Grade Carrah Mason- 2nd Grade Sadie Lambert- 3rd Grade A.G.- 3rd Grade These students have been selected to have their artwork displayed at the Uptown Gallery on Main Street for the month of March. Please stop by this month to view artwork from our very creative South Macon students as well as others students from the county. The reception for the show will be Saturday, March 9th from 3-5:00pm. We are so proud of you!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
This Friday, March 8th, is Kindergarten Orientation at South Macon! Please call to secure your spot if you haven't already! We look forward to meeting our Future Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
REMINDER: NO SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 8th! It is a Teacher Workday AND we will be welcoming our newest Wildcats for Kindergarten Orientation!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Bus 46 will not run tomorrow afternoon. Please make arrangements for your child to get home. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
PICTURE DAY IS COMING! Spring Pictures (Individual and Class) will be taken Tuesday, March 12th. Bring your best Wildcat smile!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
This is a reminder that Bus 106 will not run this afternoon. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Wildcat Day! Come dressed in all your Wildcat Blue!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Come out and bring the family to our Book Fair tonight! It will be open from 3:00 to 6:00! We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
book fair
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Nerd Day! Come dressed in your Nerd best! Also, Family Night for the Book Fair is tomorrow from 3:30 to 6:30!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Bus 106 will run AFTERNOONS ONLY this week, EXCEPT for Thursday. Still looking for a morning route driver. We will keep you updated. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
last day yearbook
Bus 106 will not run tomorrow (Thursday). Thank you.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Bus 106 will not run until further notice and is in need of a driver. Please contact Mr. King at FHS if you are interested. We will keep you updated each day on the status of the route. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary
Next week is READ ACROSS AMERICA week! Check out the themes planned for each day!
about 1 year ago, South Macon Elementary