Join us tonight at 6 pm in the Media Center for our monthly PTO meeting.
Have a great evening.

The strawberries are here and ready for pick up.
Please come between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm to pick up your strawberries.
Since we have Wildcat Frenzy tonight and such a busy day, if you are able to come before 2:30 pm, we would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Good evening, the strawberries will be ready to pick up starting at 8:30 am tomorrow morning through the car rider line. Wildcat Frenzy will also take place tomorrow from 5:30 until 7:30 pm. We are still needing individually wrapped candy and baked goods like cupcakes, cakes and cookies for the Cake Walk . If you are able, please drop off these items in the front office. Finally, for the families with a child that will start kindergarten next fall, we will have Kindergarten Orientation on Friday. Please make sure you have an appointment for a scheduled time to come. If you do not, please call 369-0796 and we would be happy to schedule you for a time. Friday is also a Teacher Workday. Students will return on Monday, March 10th. Thank you and have a great evening.

Good evening, we have a busy week full of wonderful events!
This week is Read Across America Week. Tomorrow is Twin Tuesday, dress like someone else in school. Wednesday is Wacky Hat or Hair Day and Thursday is Wildcat Wear.
This Thursday the strawberries will also be ready to pick up starting at 8:30 am. in car rider line. We also will have Wildcat Frenzy on Thursday from 5:30 till 7:30 pm. Thank you to the families that have donated individually wrapped candy or bingo prizes. We appreciate it, and we are so grateful. Come and enjoy a night of fun. Finally, for the families with a child that will start kindergarten next fall, we will have Kindergarten Orientation on Friday. Please make sure you have an appointment for a scheduled time to come. If you do not, please call 369-0796 and we would be happy to schedule you for a time. Friday is also a Teacher Workday. Students will return on Monday, March 10th. Thank you and have a great evening.

Good evening parents and students. Wildcat Frenzy will take place on Thursday, March 6th from 5:30-7:30. We need donations of individually wrapped candy, new small bingo prizes and cake walk baked goods. Please send individually wrapped candy and any new small bingo prizes you would like to donate at any time. Baked goods items such as cookies, cakes, cupcakes can be brought in starting next Wednesday, March 5th until Thursday, March 6th. We appreciate your help. This is always a wonderful event for our students and families. Thank you for helping us to keep this annual tradition going! Have a wonderful night.

Wildcat Frenzy coming soon! Thursday, March 6th from 5:30-7:30 Parents if you are able to, please send in any of the following: individually wrapped candy, new small items for bingo prizes and baked goods for the cake walk. The candy and bingo prizes can be sent any time, but please wait until next Wednesday or Thursday morning to send the baked goods. A flyer with more information is coming home this week. We can't wait to see you there, and as always thank you for your support!

Parents, just a reminder that Family Night at the Book Fair is taking place tonight from 4:00 pm until 6:30 pm. Come out and shop at our amazing Book Fair! Also tomorrow is an Early Release day for students. Teachers will have a mandatory professional learning day in the afternoon.
Car riders at 11:00 am and last bus riders will leave around 11:45 am.

Next week is Read Across America week! South Macon has some fun days planned! We can't wait to see what you come up with, beginning with Crazy Socks on Monday!

Important Information regarding Summer Edventure Camp!

It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From February 24-28, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase benefits our school. Bring your family Tuesday, February 25th, from 4-6:30 PM to buy books! Parents just a reminder we do have to charge sales tax on items sold. Also, Wildcat Frenzy is Thursday, March 6th from 5:30-7:30. We are in need of individually wrapped candy and new items to be used for prizes in our Bingo room. If you are able to donate candy, or new items for the Bingo room, please send them in to your child's teacher. Thank you for all your support. Have a wonderful weekend.

Hello Wildcat Families!
This Friday, February 21s, t is the last day to purchase your yearbook online or in person at school! Reminder, yearbooks are $22 this year!

There is no school on Friday, February 14th. Balloons and flowers are not to be delivered to school. We all love to give our children these things, but if you are doing Valentine gifts for your child, keep them at home. These items will not be allowed to go on buses or to the classes. Thank you.

Good afternoon, there will be no chorus today, Wednesday, February 12th.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Good evening, parents just a reminder that Friday, February 14th is a Teacher Workday. Students will return on the 17th. Have a great weekend.

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming!
SAVE THE DATE for February 24-28th and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together:

Thank you for all the wonderful Lego displays to celebrate International Lego Day. Students have enjoyed looking at all the creations!

Parents of kindergarten and first grade students, the Teddy Bear Clinic will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, February 4th. If you have not sent in a small stuffed animal or teddy bear for your child, please do so tomorrow. Have a great evening.

The Macon County Schools Afterschool Edventure program has a few openings for the Spring Semester!
Students can attend one day, weekly, or monthly. Our Spring Clubs are just getting started, featuring exciting opportunities like STEM, Robotics, Art, and Cooking classes. We also have exciting special programs through the WCU Mountain Heritage Program, Highlands Biological Station, and NEW this semester - Muddy Sneakers!
For application materials and more information, please contact Jennifer Love.

South Macon buses will be 15 minutes late leaving campus this afternoon. Thank you!

Good evening, just a reminder if you are ordering strawberries, your order form and money is due by this Friday, don't be left out. These strawberries are always ripe and delicious! Also, w will be drawing for our five lucky winners for a Wildcat Car Rider Express Pass for the month of February. Get your ticket before 12:00 pm on Friday. Drawing that afternoon. Finally yearbooks are on sale. Personalized yearbook orders due by Friday.