Bus 157 students will arrive home a little late due to mechanical issues. A replacement bus is on the way to get them.
Thank you!

Parents of 4th-6th graders interested in auditioning for the NC Elementary Honors Chorus need to contact Mrs. Jennings by this week for info and a rehearsal schedule. Preparation and recorded auditions will be occurring after school from now thru September 22nd, with the first after school prep-session this Thursday, August 31st.
All students accepted into the NC Honors Chorus will be recognized and honored at NC Honors Chorus weekend in Winston-Salem November 4-5th, in our local newspaper, and by the school board. South Macon would love to send our students to this wonderful event!
For more information, please contact Maggie Jennings at maggie.jennings@macon.k12.nc.us.

South Macon buses departed South Macon at 4:05.
Please expect delays for the next few days. Thank you!

Macon County Schools is now accepting lunch applications and meal payments.
If your student attends Cartoogechaye Elementary, East Franklin Elementary, Iotla Valley Elementary, Macon Early College, Macon Middle, Mountain View Intermediate, Nantahala, South Macon, or Union, they will receive meals at no cost as a part of the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2023-2024 school year. We do still encourage meal applications to help your child/children with other eligibilities and to help support the school district.
Macon County Schools is utilizing a new system and parent portal where you can submit meal applications and pay meal fees. Macon County Schools is no longer using lunchapplication.com or K12 Payment Center, and you are now unable to make payments with your old account.
To continue making meal payments, please create a new account at https://www.linqconnect.com
You may also submit meal applications through LINQ Connect for the current school year.



Good Evening! Third and Fourth Grade students will be taking the Reading EOG tomorrow. Please make sure your child arrives at school before 8:00. Students who arrive after testing begins will not be allowed to enter the classroom. Thank you.

Welcome to EOG Week! South Macon's 3rd and 4th Grade Wildcats will be taking their EOG assessments on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Please make sure your student(s) are here, rested, and ready to go by 8:00!

Bus 106 will not run Monday morning, May 8th. Please make arrangements to get your student(s) to school. Thank you!

Good News! MMS was able to locate a driver for Bus 25 next week so it should be running every morning AND afternoon!

Bus 25 will not run on the afternoons of Monday, May 1st, Thursday, May 4th, and Friday, May 5th. Please make other arrangements for your student to get home. Thank you!

Bus 159 will NOT run on Wednesday AFTERNOON! Please send a note to your child's teacher(s) to let us know how they will go home. Thank you!

Bus 159 will not run this afternoon. Please contact the office about alternate transportation for your student. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

SPRING PICTURES will be taken NEXT TUESDAY, MARCH 14TH! This will include class pictures. Bring your best smile! Purchase information will be posted soon...

Due to the forecast of high winds and strong storms, Macon County Schools-Franklin area- will be dismissing at 12:30pm today.

Good Morning! Macon County Schools will be dismissing early today. South Macon's release times are:
Early Bus- depart at 11:30
Karate / Covenant- depart at 11:50 (if they run)
12:00- Car Riders start
12:30- Buses depart

Good evening! Tomorrow is the last day of the Book Fair! It will be open until 12:00. Please send in canned food items for our Community Food Drive. Thank you for your continued support! It has been a great week!

Tomorrow is Day 2 of Book Fair Week! It is Great American Readers Day! Wear your red, white, and blue!
Also, tomorrow night is Book Fair Night! Come and shop from 4:00-6:00!

Update on Bus 106: it is now scheduled to run all morning and afternoon routes this week

Monday starts our Book Fair Week! Be sure to dress in sports gear or your favorite team's colors! Who can guess Mrs. Ledford's favorite team? 😀