Parents, at this time our Award Ceremonies that are scheduled for Friday, January 24th are still going to take place. If for some reason a two hour delay is called, we will move the awards ceremonies to the following Friday, January 31st at the same times. I will let you know tomorrow evening if we have to change the date. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Good evening, just a reminder the first Award Ceremony of the year will take place on Friday, January 24th. The following is a list of times for each grade level: 9:00 am 3rd grade 10:00 am 4th grade 11:00 am 2nd grade 1:00 pm 1st grade 2:00 pm kindergarten Please remember that in kindergarten through second grade all students receive an award. In third and fourth grade due to a numerical report card, some students will not receive an award. You will be notified if your child will receive an award. We hope to see you there.

Good evening the PTO would like to invite you to join us tonight at 6 pm in the Media Center for our monthly PTO meeting. We will be discussing Wildcat Frenzy plans and other plans for the remainder of the year. We hope you can join us!

Monday, January 20th there will be no school due to Martin Luther King Day.
We are selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a Wildcat Car Rider Pass.
We will be selling strawberries until January 30th and yearbooks are now on sale!
Don't be left out, see your child's teacher or stop by the office. Thanks

Attention parents of kindergarten and first grade students. FHS HOSA students will be at South Macon on Tuesday, January 21st for a Teddy Bear Clinic with our students. Kindergarten and First graders should bring a small stuffed animal to school for this event. The toy will come back home with your child. Thank you

There will be no school on Monday, January 20th due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Students will return on Tuesday, January 21st. Have a good evening.

Hurry, hurry, don't delay! Order your South Macon yearbook today!

The PTO would like to invite all parents to join them next Tuesday, January 14th at 6 pm in the Media Center for their monthly meeting. We will be planning upcoming school events for our students. Hope to see you then!

Your child's report card is online and ready for you to view on the Infinite Campus portal. Once you log in, click on menu in the top left corner. Then select documents. Then choose report card. If you have not registered your child online, do so tonight. We still have 95 students that are not registered.

Good evening, the first Award Ceremony of the year will take place on Friday, January 24th.
The following is a list of times for each grade level:
9:00 am 3rd grade
10:00 am 4th grade
11:00 am 2nd grade
1:00 pm 1st grade
2:00 pm kindergarten
Please remember that in kindergarten through second grade all students receive an award. In third and fourth grade due to a numerical report card, some students will not receive an award. You will be notified if your child will receive an award. We hope to see you there.

Parents, a strawberry fundraising flyer should have come home with your child today.
Please help us by selling strawberries to your friends and families. The berries are always delicious and arrive as soon as they are ripe and ready to enjoy! Also, we are starting to raffle Wildcat Express passes for February. We have selected 5 winners that won't have to wait in line all of January, but you can be the lucky winner pulled on January 31st for the month of February. Don't be left out, get your ticket in the front office. One ticket is $5.00, 6 tickets $10.00 and 15 tickets $20.00. Have a great evening.

Congratulations to our five lucky winners for the month of January for the Wildcat Express Pass! We will start selling tickets for the month of February when we return on January 6th.

Friday, December 20th will be an early release for students.
Car Riders will dismiss at 11:00 am and last bus at approximately 11:45 am.
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break.

Have you ever thought to yourself, I wish I didn't have to wait in this afternoon car rider line?
Well, here is your chance to get your wish granted! Each month we will sell raffle tickets for the chance to be one of the 5 lucky winners to win a Wildcat Express Pass! The lucky winners will pull into the bus rider side between 2:55 pm and 3:05 pm to pick up their child. They will not have to wait in the regular afternoon pick up line. Each pass that is won will only be good for that month that it is drawn. Your last chance to win a January Wildcat Express Pass happens tomorrow! Come in by 10:00 am to purchase a ticket. We will draw the 5 lucky winners at 10:15 am. Winners will be notified, and starting Monday, January 6th through the month of January those 5 winners will not wait in line. Don't be left out! 1 ticket is $5.00, 6 tickets are $10.00 and 15 tickets are $20.00. Have a great evening.

Please join us tonight for a Holiday Showcase. Students will participate by grade level in Holiday activities such as a concert, storytelling and cookie decorating. Pre K and Kindergarten activities will take place from 5:30-6:30. 1st and 2nd grade activities are from 6:00-7:00 and 3rd and 4th grade activities are from 6:30-7:45. See you tonight!

Our Girls on the Run completed their season with a 5K run in Asheville! The girls did absolutely awesome, even in spite of the 38 degree weather and the rain. They worked so hard this season, and we could not be prouder of them!
And a huge shout-out to Faydra Miller, Laurie Norton, Corey Moffitt, Eric Henson, and Vanessa Vasquez - we couldn't have asked for a better team of coaches and people. Thank you all for making this season such a success!
And an extra brag on Arely Ordaz Rios (from Ms. Dickerson's class). Out of ~200 participants, she was the 7th person overall to finish the 5K!
Thanks to everyone who made this season happen!

Friday, December 20th will be an early dismissal day for students.
Car rider will start at 11:00 am and last busses will dismiss around 11:45 am.
Have a great evening.

Please join us on Tuesday, December 17th for a Holiday Showcase.
Students will participate by grade level in Holiday activities such as a concert, storytelling and cookie decorating. Pre K and Kindergarten activities will take place from 5:30-6:30.
1st and 2nd grade activities are from 6:00-7:00 and 3rd and 4th grade activities are from 6:30-7:45. See you there!

Mrs. Norton , with the assistance of some Wildcat Elves, transformed our library into a Reading Wonderland!

Good evening, please make plans to attend our Holiday Showcase on Tuesday, December 17th. Students along with their parents will get to enjoy an evening of Christmas music, storytelling, Christmas cookie decorating and even an opportunity to take a photo with the Grinch. A detailed flyer will come home outlining times for each grade level. We hope you can join us. Have a wonderful weekend.